When I was still in my teens Yoga was hardly known in the area in which I grew up. In a bookshop I came across a small paperback Yoga book by Charles Waldemar that, after reading, immediately motivated me to practise some depicted postures as well as some of the recommended breathing and concentration exercises. Further books such as "A new Life through Yoga" by Indra Devi followed.
Several years after that a friend of mine, who had studied with Dr. Susanne Schmida (1894 - 1981) for five years before, invited me to a lecture Susanne Schmida held at Vienna university and introduced me to her ideas which impressed me so much that I decided to become a student of her at her Yoga-Institute. Susanne Schmida had established one of the first Yoga-Institutes in Vienna in 1934. I am very thankful for six years of studying Yoga in theory and practice with her and for empowering me to teach as well.
At the same time I was introduced to Zen-Buddhism by Hugo Enomiya Lassalle. In the course of many years I had the opportunity of taking part in many Zen-Sesshins with Karl Obermayer, Roshi Nagaya and others.
After Susanne Schmida had died, I practised Yoga mainly according to the method of BKS Iyengar with Karl Baier, Luise Wörle, Michael Forbes, Gabriella Giubilaro and others. In 1992/93 I spent several months in India attending General and Intensive Classes with BKS Iyengar, his daughter Geeta and his son Prashant. Later on I was certified as an Iyengar Yoga Teacher.
Gradually it became clear to me, however, that every practitioner, when going deeper into personal Yoga practice, would sooner or later unfold his or her individual way of practising with both his or her unique possibilities and limitations.
About a decade later I was confirmed in this by Aadil Palkhivala who had studied intensively with Iyengar from very early on and yet later developed his very personal teaching style, which I appreciated very much.
On my way I usually follow Pauls advice: "Test everything - hold on to the good!" So I was enriched also by Dona Holleman, Vanda Scaravelli, A. G. Mohan, Donald Moyer, Richard Freeman, Loren Fishman and Erich Schiffmann.
I am very grateful to all my teachers and students for everything I could learn from and through them.
Tel.: 0650 44 30 898
E-Mail: Helmuth.Hausberger@gmail.com
Web: www.helmuthhausberger.at
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Helmuth Hausberger
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